Now, that I can write every day or every second or third day - I hope - I'd like to write about Camp Ski, concerts, feelings, my band, guitar lessons and ect.
For example I'm going to Miskolc with my class tomorrow. We're visiting Ottó Herman Museum and in the afternoon, we're ice-skating in Tiszaújváros. I hope it's gonna be cool and we won't be tired, when we arrive home, 'cause I gotta exercise playing the guitar. Fuck off. :D The band is incredible. We're developing very well.
In the school I'm gettin' "A"s and "B"s so it's also OK. My mom is setisfied with me. Maybe I will get an Epiphone Les Paul Sunburst! It's really unbelieveable, but I will! ^^
I have many many thoughts, that I must tell, so getti ready! I'm comin'!!!!